Watch my directed drawing video on how to draw a cartoon T. King dinosaur

Hey anybody, today I thought we could endeavour to draw a drawing Tyrannosaurus Rex 🦖. Everyone knows what a T-Rex looks like, but it can actually exist tricky to draw the lines just correct so that information technology doesn't end upward looking like something else. I found that a square-ish head worked well, too as stiff legs and a forrard lean. My hope was to brand the directed drawing simple plenty for pre-k and kindergarteners, and also fun for older kids and adults. Prepare, ready, go! 😁 – Patrick O.

Follow these directed drawing instructions that brand a cartoon T-rex dinosaur cartoon piece of cake to do:

  1. First, depict the T-male monarch dinosaur's head. Start by drawing a rectangle that doesn't quite connect in the bottom right corner.
  2. Next, depict the T-king dinosaur'south dorsum and tail. From the back of the head, continue the open line diagonally down to the right to draw the cartoon dinosaur's back. Then complete the dinosaur's tail by drawing a straight line back towards the left, and stopping it and so its near one-half of the length of the back.
  3. Now let's describe the T-male monarch dinosaur'due south hind legs. Draw some connecting diagonal lines for the back of the legs, a flat foot with a piffling curved line for the toe surface area. And then a diagonal line upward, followed by a big half circle for the front of the dinosaur's powerful hind leg.
  4. And so describe the T-male monarch dinosaur'south arm's and claws. For the cartoon dinosaur'due south little arm, draw a diagonal line upwardly from the front of the leg to the open up line of the caput, while calculation a little outward indicate halfway upwards. End the arms with two little curved lines for the T-Male monarch's sharp claws, and a couple curved lines in the foot area for the bottom claws.
  5. Now let'southward add some eyes and nostrils to the T-male monarch dinosaur. Draw a drawing center looking forward virtually the upper back part of the dinosaur'southward head, and a little circle for a nostril in the upper front of the caput.
  6. Draw the T-king dinosaur's oral cavity and sharp teeth! For the cartoon T-King's mouth, draw a little curved line nether the centre that straightens out and goes all the way to the front of the head. The add some small triangles under information technology for sharp, cannibal dinosaur teeth! Finish with a little curved line for an eye brow – giving our dinosaur a mischievous look.
  7. Stop by cartoon the T-rex dinosaur's back spines. To do this, depict some small triangular ripples along the length drawing dinosaur' back and tail.

That's information technology. Grrrrrrreat! 🦖

How to Draw a T-Rex Dinosaur

Patrick is the creator the educational website where cute cartoon animals in the shape of messages assistance kids learn their ABC's. Through the website he hopes to also help kids & beginners gain more than confidence in their power to draw through piece of cake and fun pace-by-step tutorials.

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